

A Clear Vision

We know that every organization needs a clear vision, a purposeful mission, and a conviction to the values from which it operates. Without vision there is no direction; growth is compromised and the organization is bound to flounder or fail.  When innovating or planning any type of change consider these questions:

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  • Does your organization have a well-defined vision; can leaders clearly articulate it to others?

  • Do members understand their contribution, individual and collective, to the direction and outcome of that vision?

  • Does everyone see the big picture of the organization?

If you answered “yes” to all of the above, that's great!  

If “no”, there’s help! Karen can guide leaders through visioning exercises by balancing logical with intuitive. Engaging left-brain logic with right-brained awareness of heart, mind, and spirit informs inspires those during the planning process.  When the vision is clear, the mission and values have been identified, a foundation is set for ideas to align, goals set and resources identified in order to bring the organization’s vision to life.  

Where there is no vision, there is no hope.

— George Washington Carver