Conflict Resolution - A Case Study

KMMC works to determine the exact issue or cause and provide guidance and alternatives to 1) help mitigate the problem, and 2) implement sustainable solutions that support teams, leadership, and customers. Here is an example to understand how we have helped turn difficult experiences into productive interpersonal outcomes.

Overview/problem: A new branch manager in the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), inherited an unresolved problem among a group of branch and section chiefs who were geographically dispersed with limited face-to-face interaction. We were contracted to identify the source(s) of conflict. This issue needed immediate attention following weeks of negative coverage in the press.  

Opportunity/root cause: We talked with each manager to learn everyone's perspective of the problem. It was clear that creating an environment where leaders would be able to speak and engage each other in truth and integrity would be paramount. We anticipated and planned for the initial resistance encountered as each participant was locked into his or her position. As the session progressed, we took every opportunity to dive into deep conversations that ultimately revealed one critical and unknown turnkey issue. This revelation changed the tone of the meeting from one of position and territory to collaboration and working toward mutual interest and possibility.

Process toward resolution: By the time we met, it was clear that these leaders would benefit from better ways to communicate. Their overall communication was noticeably defensive and expressed only as needed. Providing a safe space, introducing and modeling open-ended communication techniques and posing a series of non-threatening questions were needed to provoke the dialogue participants admitted was long overdue. Conversation ensued and leaders eventually discovered they had been operating based on assumptions and unknown information. As the group opened up, repressed emotions were released. Apologies were offered and leaders committed to 1) listen to each other without judgment and 2) question unknown assumptions. 

Result: Following the group’s breakthrough, they crafted a communication process to 1) meet an increased demand for training and, 2) ensure that steps would not be missed in the future. In addition, the group decided to create time for team development. This intense and outcome-driven day resulted in mended relationships and new patterns of interactions for leaders to model to staff.
